Fat Girl Confessional: Losing the Weight

>> Sunday, May 9, 2010

I had my first weigh-in this past Monday. And...I GAINED THREE POUNDS!!! What the...? Ok, I know that this is fairly common. Muscle weighs more than fat so technically I probably gained three pounds of muscle and am toning up. But still...it's hard to stay encouraged in my quest to lose weight when the reverse is happening so far.

It's moments like this when I have to remind myself that this is not just about losing weight so I look better. It's about being healthier, living longer, and teaching my children good habits. My grandmother has Type II Diabetes; I know if I'm not careful that could end up being my future as well.

Hopefully next week I will have a progress report with more positive results. In the meantime, I plan to continue working my tail off while a variety of expletives repeat themselves in my brain (I would never say them OUT LOUD, of course, but that doesn't mean I can't think them).


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