Fat Girl Confessional

>> Sunday, July 11, 2010

OK, brides, I’m down another pound! The broken foot isn’t bringing me down! However, I'm taking a break from the Fat Girl posts because:

  1. I’ve been repeatedly informed that I am not fat. I realize this—it’s just a more entertaining title to my blog posts than “25-pounds-Overweight-Girl Confessional”!
  2. I’m running out of things to talk about. We all know the importance of eating well and working out - putting it into practice is what’s difficult.
  3. The magazine is entering its busy phase. We’re beginning to put together the 2011 issue (you’d be surprised at how much goes in to making NWD the beautiful publication that it is) and that is requiring more time from all employees, including me.
So, I love all you brides, and if you have anything you ever want to share about your weight-loss journey, feel free to email me at holly@neweddingday.com. I may even want to share your story on our blog!

And don’t forget to check out Wealth For My Health’s website. It’s a great weight-loss competition and there’s another one gearing up in Lincoln soon!


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