Marriage Advice

>> Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today's advice comes from online users on About.Com, who share the best marriage advice they ever received:

  • "If I am unhappy with my husband about something, it stands to reason there are things about me he is unhappy about. We need to work together." ~ BT
  • "Don't fight over money because there is never enough to go around anyway." ~ s91601
  • "For women: Do not expect your husband to change after marriage. For men: Do not expect your wife to not change. : )" ~ Data10000
  • "A quote from the Bible: What God has yoked together, let no man tear apart." ~ Donnamaria65
  • "From my MIL: "Marriage is forever. You have to stick it out no matter how miserable you are." ~ Michele
  • "The best marriage advice I received was from my grandmother: Marriage is not always 50/50. Some days you will wake up and may have to give 90% and your spouse will give 10%. Other days you may wake up and give 25% and your husband will have to put in the 75%. I never thought of this before but it is so true." ~ Meme


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