Marriage Advice

>> Sunday, November 7, 2010

Today's advice comes from Andrea Talbot, owner of Signature Ceremonies:

"Talk about everything. Talk, talk, talk. Only through communication will you be able to determine if your partner is marriage material.

Marry someone with whom you share love, respect, joy, personal values and future plans. Don't marry for physical attraction or money or family pressure or pregnancy or insurance or personal insecurities.

Don't marry because you've been together "long enough" and everyone says it's time to take the next step. These are the marriages that become the divorce statistics. Marriage isn't a magic bandaid that solves all your relationship problems. You and your partner will wake up the day after your wedding the same people you were the day before, and any unresolved issues you had previously will now be magnified tenfold.

Half the battle in making a good marriage is choosing the right partner. The other half is keeping your commitment primary and renewing and strengthening your love everyday. When kids, careers, illness, layoffs, aging parents and all the business of life weighs on you, find refuge in each other. Remember to connect with your partner and focus on your marriage. Have fun together! Spend time together! Share each others' secrets! Laugh!

If you cautiously and consciously choose a good partner, and you both commit to making your relationship a priority, you will have a lasting and loving marriage."


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