Wedding Cake Alternatives

>> Monday, June 8, 2009

If the traditional wedding cake isn't your style, fear not - there are plenty of fun ideas for desserts to serve your guests.

Miniature pies: Have your baker whip up different flavors of mini pies. Make sure to include an option on your RSVP card (alongside the typical "chicken or fish" checkbox) for guests to select their favorite flavors.

Cupcakes: Who doesn't love a cupcake? If you have a monogram or other design theme in your wedding, this is a great way to feature it.

Table cakes: Instead of one big wedding cake, consider having a smaller cake made for each table. Bonus: It can serve as a unique centerpiece as well!

Bite-size (mini) cakes: More and more couples are choosing this option. You can have your baker stack them artfully for a striking arrangement.


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