Slimming Down for your Wedding Gown

>> Monday, June 15, 2009

As your wedding approaches, you're probably starting to panic about how you're going to squeeze into that gorgeous wedding dress that you ordered one size too small (back when you were thinking you would lose the weight before the big day came).

Luckily, there are options that can help you lose weight for your wedding. Some require a little planning ahead, while others may work if you're trying to drop the pounds in the last couple of months.

One option that has become increasingly popular is going the surgical road. The benefits of surgery are that the results are permanent, so while it may be pricier than diet and exercise, it could end up saving you a lot of time and money in the future. (Bonus: some insurance plans may cover a portion of the procedure!) However, you will have to plan ahead to make sure you have plenty of time to recover from a surgical procedure, so don't put this off until the last minute.

Another trend for brides is body boot camp. These camps are often designed to get maximum results in around 6 weeks, so they're great for the procrastinating bride, and they are often affordable since you're paying for a short amount of time and sharing a trainer with other women. You will want to be prepared to work your butt off, and you might have to sacrifice sleeping in some mornings as well. You should also keep in mind that unless you are truly committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the results may not last long beyond your wedding.

Check out the NWD website to find some great businesses that can assist you in your wedding weight-loss goals!

*Photo courtesy of Kameron Bayne Images.


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