Love in Literature

>> Monday, December 7, 2009

If you want to forgo the traditional vows or over-used wedding reading passages, look to some of these romantic quotes from famous authors for inspiration:

"I have learned not to worry about love;
But to honor its coming with all my heart."
-Alice Walker

"The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself."
-Victor Hugo

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
-Emily Bronte

"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life."
-Joseph Conrad

"Love asks me no questions,
And gives me endless support..."
-William Shakespeare

“I knew that I had come face to face with some one whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself.”
-Oscar Wilde
"There is no remedy for love but to love more."
-Henry David Thoreau

"There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of love, the first fluttering of its silken wings."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

"Love sought is good, but given unsought is better."
-William Shakespeare


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